If you have experienced or observed wage theft or other widespread labor law violations affecting a group of workers, please file a report. Call the LETF Public hotline anytime: 855 297 5322.The person filing this Unfair Practice Charge is required to return a properly filled out and signed original Declaration to PERB pursuant to. An unfair business practice includes deception, fraud, misrepresentation, and unjust actions. Such unlawful conduct usually occurs against consumers. If you have faced unlawful employment practices, discrimination, or harassment in Los Angeles, contact Matern Law Group, PC for a free consultation. The first step in the wage complaint process is to fill out a Form 1 labor board complaint. You will typically need to also fill out a Form 55 attachment. When employers violate California or federal employment laws, we help employees fight back against illegal practices and pursue all available remedies. Call us today at (310) 575-2550 or fill out the online contact form for a prompt response.