Defamation of character falls into two categories: libel and slander. Libel is a written, including signs or pictures, defamation.___ ____ Have you ever lied to any police officers to try to get out of a traffic ticket? 12. ___ ____ Have you ever lied to a judge in traffic court? Lying, misleading, or deceiving the court is known as perjury, a criminal offense under both Maryland state law and federal law. "Deception" means knowingly to: (i) create or confirm in another a false impression that the offender does not believe to be true. But even with these cues, research shows that truth tellers, concerned for their own believability, will have the same kinds of problems and emotions as liars. Asking questions is an effective way to unmask lying. Come across as curious, not confrontational or suspicious, so they give you more information. Maryland polygraphs and EyeDetect Lie Detector tests help wrongly-accused cheaters to clear their name and give a new foundation to build upon moving forward.