The law does not define any specific business actions that violate the law; rather it states that "unfair or deceptive practices" are illegal. Many state business laws prohibit practices considered "deceptive" to consumers, such as rolling back the odometer on a used car or using false advertising.Consumers in Massachusetts and New Hampshire are protected from the above deceptive market practices under federal and state regulations. This law — often referred to as "Chapter 93A" — prohibits "unfair and deceptive trade practices. Section 91: Untrue and misleading advertisements; prohibitions. Section - Unfair and deceptive trade practices. (1) False Advertising. Litigation involving claims of unfair or deceptive business practices under Chapter 93A of the Massachusetts General Laws is constantly evolving. Sellers, who expect and deserve the opportunity to compete in a marketplace free of deception and unfair practices. What are the restrictions on physician advertising in Massachusetts?