The law does not define any specific business actions that violate the law; rather it states that "unfair or deceptive practices" are illegal. Many state business laws prohibit practices considered "deceptive" to consumers, such as rolling back the odometer on a used car or using false advertising.The deceptive or unfair acts must have occurred primarily and substantially within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Section 10.02 - Unfair or Deceptive Practices: General. It shall be an unfair or deceptive act or practice, in violation of M.G.L. c. Pricing issues that violate consumer protection laws include price gouging, deceptive pricing tactics, or misleading discounts. 93A, protects consumers from unfair and deceptive acts and practices which occur in a business context. Litigation involving claims of unfair or deceptive business practices under Chapter 93A of the Massachusetts General Laws is constantly evolving. Generally, it bans people in the position of a seller from being unfair or deceptive towards buyers. Deceptive Practices and Consumer Fraud.