Feel free to call our consumer assistance line at (919) 716-6000 should you need help completing the form. Before You File a Complaint.Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Mecklenburg County. First, choose the consumer complaint form that fits your problem. Notices of sale are published in the Mecklenburg Times newspaper once a week for two weeks and posted at the Mecklenburg County Courthouse for at least 20 days. This Court will now address the County's remaining non-contractual claims of fraud, unfair and deceptive trade practices, and negligent misrepresentation. The Department of Financial Services is responsible for capital and debt planning, investments, accounting, payroll, grant management and payables. Because this case is primarily a collection action, on the one hand, and a fraud and unfair trade practices action, on the other, without the law governing. Call 855-748-3306 and follow the instructions. Make sure that customer solutions, practices, and procedures are carried out and achieve their objectives.