Consumer protection laws are a form of government regulation that aims to protect the rights of consumers, including residents and visitors. Read about consumer rights, laws and tips; submitting consumer complaints; and the process to obtain certain business licenses in Miami-Dade County.Call us today at 561-291-8298 or fill out our online form to schedule a meeting with one of our attorneys and to receive the valuable legal advice you need. Call 954-564-2246 - Mavrick Law Firm helps companies with business matters in Deceptive Trade Practice and Business law. To file a consumer complaint online, please click below, fill out the form and click "Send. As such, FDUTPA makes it illegal for dealerships to engage in acts and practices that are "likely to mislead" consumers. Florida Attorney General's hotline helps victims of any type of fraud or unfair trade practices get the assistance they need; toll-Free 1-866-966-7226. In order to proceed against an individual under FDUTPA, you must show the individual was a direct participant in the improper dealings. The FDUTPA prohibits companies from engaging in a broad range of unfair or deceptive acts, such as false advertising, fraud, and misrepresentation. Florida's Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act (FDUTPA), F.S. §§501.201 et seq.