Call 954-564-2246 - Mavrick Law Firm helps companies with business matters in Deceptive Trade Practice and Business law. Our knowledgeable Miami business lawyers can explain the law and how it applies to your case, and help you recover the full amount of damages you have suffered.The FDUTPA stands as a critical legal tool for protecting consumers and businesses from deceptive or unfair trade practices. Deceptive and unfair business practices come in many forms. Feel your business is a victim? Florida's Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act (FDUTPA), FS §§501.201 et seq. In Florida, unfair and deceptive trade practices are those practices that are considered unethical, unscrupulous, and dishonest. IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. The FDUTPA prohibits companies from engaging in a broad range of unfair or deceptive acts, such as false advertising, fraud, and misrepresentation. Part IX - Unfair Insurance Trade Practices (Ss.