445.903 Unfair, unconscionable, or deceptive methods, acts, or practices in conduct of trade or commerce; rules; applicability of subsection (1)(hh). To file a complaint online, you will need to: Visit Online Services.Locate the "Complaints" section and select the link associated with your complaint. Congressman Kildee has long advocated for enforcement action against China for unfair trade practices. Michigan State Money Being Used in Unfair Trade Agreement? Interest in remedying China's unfair trade practices in the sector, and thus is entitled to file this petition under Section 301. Kildee Highlights Unfair Chinese Trade Practices, Exploitation of Workers. Trade wars can commence if one country perceives that a competitor nation has unfair trading practices. Washington blames China's dominance of the solar industry on what are routinely dubbed "unfair trade practices. It quickly became a political target due to a licensing deal with Chinese battery manufacturer Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., or CATL.