Showing or demonstrating defective goods for sale or lease which are unusable or impractical for the purposes set forth in the advertisement. 6. File an online Complaint.NRS 598.0947 - "Trade name" defined. These laws prohibit everything from using a fake trademark to altering a used car's odometer. 1. Knowingly passes off goods or services for sale or lease as those of another person. A person engages in adeceptive trade practice if, in the course of his business or occupation, he: 1. A person engages in a "deceptive trade practice" if, in the course of his or her business or occupation, he or she: 1. What are the penalties for deceptive trade practices in Nevada? Like many states, Nevada enacted deceptive trade practices statutes to protect consumers. Violations of the law are considered unfair or deceptive trade practices subject to enforcement under the Nevada Consumer Protection Act.