It is important that you attempt to resolve your complaint with the company before filing with the Division of Consumer Protection (DCP). You can file a claim for a deceptive practice or act under section 349 of the New York General Business Law.Are you following up on a complaint? Levy Goldenberg LLP, represents consumers and corporate competitors who have been harmed due to a business' deceptive trade practices. Ways to File a Consumer Complaint Online: Submit your complaint online. Note: You do NOT need to create an account to file a complaint with DCWP. The New York City Consumer Protection Law forbids all deceptive or unconscionable trade practices in the sale, lease, rental, or loan. Unscrupulous sellers and unfair business practices can cost you your hard-earned money. The state Assembly has enacted several laws that protect consumers. 349 - Deceptive Acts and Practices Unlawful.