Sometimes lies are constitutionally punishable: Consider libel, false statements to government investigators, fraudulent charitable fundraising, and more. The New York Court of Appeals has ever ruled that deception of a suspect undergoing a custodial interrogation to which Miranda applies is permitted.Suspects and witnesses often reveal more than they intend through their choices of words. The research up to now suggests strongly that lying is a human behavior and that most forms of deception have adaptive significance. Which Type of Liar Are You? This course examines truth, lying, and deception as parts of the natural world and human culture. Q: So not only did you put false information in your report but you chose to deceive your. Thompson (Eds.), Deception: Perspectives on human and nonhuman deceit (pp. 271–292). Albany,. NY: SUNY Albany Press. According to New York Penal Law, false pretenses is not a separate crime, but is a type of larceny.