This crime involves using misinterpretations, lies, or fake documents to get another individual's property. In North Carolina, false pretenses is a crime that involves deception to unlawfully obtain property or money.It's different from general fraud or deceit. A: False pretense charges in North Carolina involve obtaining money, property, or services through intentional deception or misrepresentation. Learn more about this crime in North Carolina. Obstruction of justice is a serious offense. Our Charlotte defense lawyers explain this crime, the possible penalties, and how to protect your rights. Depending on the type of false report or accusations, this offense can be either a Misdemeanor or a Felony. (5). Employ any other deceptive or fraudulent device, scheme, or artifice to manipulate the market in a security, including the issuance, with the intent to. There are two primary ways that people lie—concealment and falsification.