The official website of the City of Oakland Public Ethics Commission. Find out about meetings, resources related to Oakland's government ethics, campaign…Contact the Attorney General's Public Inquiry Unit to report a complaint about a business or if you have questions or comments. This resource offers information regarding the redress options for deceptive practices or consumer protection laws in each state. Call 954-564-2246 - Mavrick Law Firm helps companies with business matters in Deceptive Trade Practice and Business law. The FTC works to eliminate unfair or deceptive marketplace practices. This policy addresses collection, use and security of and access to information that may be obtained through use of City of Oakland digital assets. We investigate complaints against real estate brokers and salespersons accused of misleading or defrauding consumers. You can file a claim for a deceptive practice or act under section 349 of the New York General Business Law. The legal standards for unfairness and deception are independent of each other; depending on the facts, an act or practice may be unfair, deceptive, or both.