Contact the Attorney General's Public Inquiry Unit to report a complaint about a business or if you have questions or comments. The official website of the City of Oakland Public Ethics Commission.Find out about meetings, resources related to Oakland's government ethics, campaign… The FTC works to eliminate unfair or deceptive marketplace practices. Call 954-564-2246 - Mavrick Law Firm helps companies with business matters in Deceptive Trade Practice and Business law. This resource offers information regarding the redress options for deceptive practices or consumer protection laws in each state. The person filing this Unfair Practice Charge is required to return a properly filled out and signed original Declaration to PERB pursuant to. The person filing this Unfair Practice Charge is required to return a properly filled out and signed original Declaration to PERB pursuant to. This resource offers information regarding the redress options for deceptive practices or consumer protection laws in each state. Get in Touch with Trusted Legal Experts Contact Us Today.