Protect consumers from suppliers who engage in referral selling, commit deceptive acts or practices, or commit unconscionable acts or practices. The Ohio Code also regulates trade practices and advertising through the Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA; Ohio Rev.Examples include bait-and-switch schemes and rolling back a used car's odometer. (A) No supplier shall commit an unfair or deceptive act or practice in connection with a consumer transaction. A set of laws that aim to protect consumers from sales practices that are deceptive, unfair, or unconscionable. The CSPA and HSSA together represent a list of unfair and deceptive trade practices which often triggers liability for the offending company. Businesses have a duty to always act ethically with their partners and customers. Practices Act is in the best interest of all Ohio citizens. Upon determining the type of business entity you would like to form, our office can assist you in the filing process. 2 Rhododendron Holdings, LLC v.