There are no such things as unfair trades. Is there any feature or external tool that could help filtering for acceptable trades?There are no way of introducing a new solution for avoiding unfair trades without tampering the actual benefits of market trades usage. Sometimes you must help your guild with sweeter trades (for GE etc). 2. Story Quests are a type of quest the player has to deal with. These quests, as the name suggests, narrate a story or a chronological sequence of events. State agencies must specify in each notice which proposes a rule the last date on which they will accept public comment. Subsequent gentrification pressures in Queens are pushing manufacturers out of Queens now. To quell the possibility of mutiny, the Spartans relieved Pausanias of his command and called him home. From August 2018 through November 2022, Jones violently exploited women in the commercial sex trade for his financial gain.