The Antitrust Bureau is responsible for enforcing the antitrust laws to prevent anticompetitive practices and promote competition throughout the state. You can file a claim for a deceptive practice or act under section 349 of the New York General Business Law.The essence of an unfair competition claim under New York law is that the defendant has misappropriated the labors and expenditures of another. The courts have defined unfair competition as the bad faith misappropriation of the labors and expenditures of another. Unfair competition is a commonly used term that can describe a variety of unlawful business practices. Without a doubt, the most challenging prong to establishing an unfair competition claim is the "bad faith" element. Here's how you prove it. The UCL forbids "unlawful, unfair or fraudulent" conduct in connection with virtually any type of business activity. Unfair and deceptive trade practices; Vertical and horizontal price agreements. Casey received her law degree from Vanderbilt University.