The Court found that the statute of limitations was tolled for the cause of action alleging violations of DTPA for a period of ten (10) years. The Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA) in Texas has a twoyear "statute of limitations.DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICES AND CONSUMER PROTECTION. Sec. 17.41. There is no deadline for the attorney general to file suit under the DTPA, but private litigants must file suit within a twoyear statute of limitations. Questions regarding the statute of limitations or time limit for filing suit are often difficult and confusing. Breach of a written contract: 4 years (CCP § 337); Breach of an oral contract: 2 years (CCP § 339). In addition, the State of Florida intervened in the private lawsuit against the company for violations of state unfair trade practices and civil right statutes. By-case filling in of gaps left in the definition of deceptive trade practices in the absence of a general unfair competition clause. II. California Imposes Economic Sanctions on. Texas and Other States that Respect Religious. Freedom. 12.