These laws prohibit everything from using a fake trademark to altering a used car's odometer. We encourage you to file a complaint if you are aware of a fraudulent or unlawful business practice taking place in San Diego County.Complaint Form Process. If you have been wrongly denied insurance benefits through unfair or deceptive trade practices, you can sue the wrongdoer for damages. A person engages in a "deceptive trade practice" when in the course of his or her business or occupation he or she: 1. Contact the Attorney General's Public Inquiry Unit to report a complaint about a business or if you have questions or comments. Please fill out the information below for the consumer you are submitting this complaint for. Find your state's consumer protection office. They can help with complaints against businesses, investigating scams and fraud, and more. The CFPB's vision is a consumer finance marketplace that works for American consumers, responsible providers, and the economy as a whole.