Complete the CONSUMER COMPLAINT FORM. Federal Trade Commission's Consumer Website – Learn to avoid business fraud.File complaints about unfair, deceptive, and fraudulent business practices. Unfair, deceptive, untrue or misleading advertising. Unfair Business Practices Attorney San Diego - Fraud - Deception - one of the most alleged business offenses, free consult 858-535-1511. The Boyd Law San Diego unfair business practice attorneys have extensive combined successful experience handling business law cases. The Workplace Justice Unit prosecutes unfair business practices, wage and hour violations, payroll tax evasion, wage theft and labor trafficking cases. We have handled over 1,500 unfair competition, trade secrets, and restrictive covenant cases for more than 1,000 clients. "Our office will continue to prosecute unfair businesses that are in violation of state consumer laws. Elliott has made a priority of protecting our environment, consumers, and the working people of San Diego.