If you have experienced or observed wage theft or other widespread labor law violations affecting a group of workers, please file a report. The first step in the wage complaint process is to fill out a Form 1 labor board complaint.You will typically need to also fill out a Form 55 attachment. The Workplace Justice Unit prosecutes unfair business practices, wage and hour violations, payroll tax evasion, wage theft and labor trafficking cases. A labor and employment lawyer can help: Review, draft and update employee handbooks, manuals and policies and employment contracts. Facing an unfair competition case in California? We encourage you to file a complaint if you are aware of a fraudulent or unlawful business practice taking place in San Diego County. Complaint Form Process. From trade secret misappropriation to false advertising, many practices can create unfair competition. We are here to assist workers and businesses with questions about wage theft, fair chance hiring, and employment laws.