An interview technique that could revolutionize how criminal suspects, captured military personnel and suspected terrorists are interrogated. The purpose of this document is to assist researchers in addressing issues related to using deception in research with human subjects.The use of deception and incomplete disclosure are valuable research techniques used to answer scientific inquiries in human subjects research. This article reviews highlights in the literature on existing recommendations for ethical use of deception in psychological research. Use of deception in social research according to APA and ASA ethical codes is generally permitted provided it doesn't cause harm or distress to participants. Researchers may use deception when conducting experiments for several reasons. One common reason is to prevent participants from altering their behavior. Deception in research can raise ethical concerns, as it involves deliberately misleading participants. Use of deception in social research according to APA and ASA ethical codes is generally permitted provided it doesn't cause harm or distress to participants. We enforce federal competition and consumer protection laws that prevent anticompetitive, deceptive, and unfair business practices.