Georgia deceptive trade practices law bans false advertising, making it a misdemeanor charge and also allowing victims to sue for damages. Call us at 404-651-8600 or 1-800-869-1123 (toll-free in Georgia).The Consumer Protection Unit is responsible for processing all inquiries received from consumers who are complaining about businesses. Use this form to provide information about suspicious or improper business practices that you are experiencing which may affect the general public. Two-year statute of limitation under OCGA § 10-1-401 applied to a vending machine purchaser's unfair trade practices claim against the sellers. Assembly significantly changed the Arkansas Deceptive Trade. Notre Dame beat Georgia 2310 in a game that concluded without incident amid the enhanced security. Business HI ST Section 480-2. In the Supreme Court of the United States. GERALD LYNN BOSTOCK, Petitioner, v.