Learn more about County programs that address unlawfully discriminatory language and affordable housing development restrictions. A lawsuit alleging some type of business tort is one way to hold a competitor liable for deceptive and unfair business practices.You can find samples of these papers in California Forms of Pleading and Practice, at the Law Library. This Code of Professionalism is adopted to apply to all lawyers who practice in Santa Clara County. As lawyers, we owe duties of professionalism to our clients. D. Provide a clear and concise statement of the conduct alleged to constitute an unfair practice including, where known, the time and. Restraint of trade refers to any action that hinders or prevents a business from freely conducting its operations. For example, people with violent, sex, or drug crime convictions are typically barred from working with children. Marvell Semiconductor, Santa Clara Superior Court. The lawyers at SAC Attorneys LLP are well-versed in the applicable federal, state, and local laws in Santa Clara County.