Click below to start preparing your legal forms. You will be asked to register an account – If you do not register, your work will NOT be saved!"The failure to look at an entire practice rather than at their own isolated case often blinds liars to cumulative harm and expanding deceptive activities. We all lie to ourselves. Turns out, that's not necessarily a bad thing or even a character flaw. Suspects and witnesses often reveal more than they intend through their choices of words. Police officers are legally empowered to use deception and other types of lies during interrogations. MANUEL VELASQUEZ is the Charles J. Dirksen Professor of Business Ethics at the University of Santa Clara where he holds appointments in the Department of. But your deliberate deceptions probably go beyond Santa, the Tooth Fairy, or the Easter Bunny. "The Sardine Deception" is Leif Davidsen's author debut book from 1984.