Our Paper Trading Simulator allows you to practice trading using virtual currency. Trade equities, options, futures1, and forex1 in a live market simulation.Try our stocks, futures and crypto trading simulator today! We used wallstreetsurvivor. Our trading simulator allows you to practice trading and learn the essentials along the way. Ideal for beginners, it's free and there's no login required. Wall Street Survivor - This website has a tool called a "virtual trading simulator" that lets you practice trading with fake money. In this tutorial, we'll demonstrate how to use paperMoney® on the thinkorswim® platform and place simulated stock trades. Open your account to start testing your investment ideas and strategies or to practice trading stocks, ETFs, options, and futures in a live market simulation. We rounded up a group of great advisors to help us explore five key investment strategies every aspiring trader should learn before entering the market.