The TAA applies to all GSA Schedule contracts unless otherwise stated in the solicitation or contract. Generally, the BAA requires the US government to favor products made in the United States on purchases in which Congress funds public use products or materials.The Trade American Act TAA requires that foreign end products be substantially transformed in the United States before being sold to the government. ➢ Trade Act of 1974, including the North American Free Trade Agreement and. TAA, petitions below 50,000: 104 weeks maximum. • Wizard – A step-by-step guide for completing a process in. To be compliant, a product must be manufactured or substantially altered in the United States or within a TAA compliant country. This means that a product must be made in the United States or a designated country. The US – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a trade agreement between the named parties that entered into force on July 1, 2020. RAOT maintains that the agency improperly evaluated proposals for compliance with the Trade Agreements Act (TAA) and also misled the firm during discussions.