The use of deception and incomplete disclosure are valuable research techniques used to answer scientific inquiries in human subjects research. Deception may only be used: In Limited research if they participant is made aware in the informed consent process that the research involves deception.This consent form template is used when you are not telling the subject the purpose of the study or not disclosing the complete truth (i.e. The debriefing process is a requirement for studies that employ deception, sexual misconduct, self-harm, and substance abuse. Deception is acceptable when revealing the true nature of the study will influence participants and bias their responses. 1. Explain the scientific rationale for use of deception or incomplete disclosure in the study. In this module, you will learn important aspects of experimental design. Proper study design ensures the production of reliable, accurate data. This is not a how-to-use-the-library or computer science course, although both of those areas will be addressed. In such cases, researchers must minimize harm, fully debrief participants, and obtain informed consent.