You may complete a complaint form online or download one of our complaint forms. For further assistance call our Consumer Protection Hotline at 1-800-552-9963.The Consumer Protection Section of the Office of the Attorney General of Virginia provides protection to consumers from fraud, deception, and illegal practices. You should fill out the complaint form as completely and accurately as possible. When you are done, make a copy for yourself. A licensee of the board shall not advertise information that is false, misleading, or deceptive. The Virginia Consumer Protection Act of 1977 bans false advertising, automobile odometer tampering, and other deceptive methods. Deceived in a financial transaction, cheated out of money, misleading product labels? Respondents' business practices have drawn Commission scrutiny in the past. 26 Finally, the TSR prohibits the use of payment methods often used in deceptive marketing, including negative options, such as remotely created checks.