A parallel legislation known as the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 has also come into being which prevails in the realm of unfair trade practices. Dark pattern is a blanket term used to refer to a variety of deceptive practices used to manipulate or heavily influence online consumers.Under the CPA, a consumer has the right to seek redressal against an unfair trade practice. For the customer to fill up before making payment. Supplying hazardous or unsafe products. Funeral and cemetery board—Violation—Penalty—Unfair practice—Other laws applicable: RCW 68.05.330. Going out of business sales: Chapter 19.178 RCW. In the other categories, export growth will be kept down to about double these rates. Unfair trade practices in a B2B environment. The inclusive and general nature of the definition makes the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 self sufficient and complete in itself.