Engaging in deceptive trade practice prima facie evidence of intent to injure competitor; other rights of action not limited. Nevada has adopted the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act, but with some variations in its criminal, civil, and vehicular code.File an online Complaint. On June 16, 2023, Nevada enacted Senate Bill 370 ("SB 370"), which imposes broad restrictions on the collection, use, and sale of consumer health data. Like many states, Nevada enacted deceptive trade practices statutes to protect consumers. Corporation Y forms a Nevada LLC to hold an aircraft that is purchased out of state, but hangared in Washington. Enforcement of Washington's My Health My Data Act (MHMDA or the Act) starts now. A violation of SB 370 is a "deceptive trade practice" under Nevada's deceptive trade practices law. The primary goal of a business court is to resolve complex business cases like unfair competition and more. The 2024 Washington State Legislature passed Substitute Senate Bill (S.