Advertise products that are not available; Misrepresent items or services in any way. You must provide a copy of the misleading or deceptive advertisement.New York law prohibits false, deceptive, and misleading advertising. Complaint Information. Please explain your complaint: Try to be brief, but be sure to tell WHAT happened, WHEN it happened and WHERE it happened. Under the law, claims in advertisements must be truthful, cannot be deceptive or unfair, and must be evidence-based. The New York City Consumer Protection Law prohibits DECEPTIVE TRADE. PRACTICES, meaning any claim or action having the potential to deceive consumers. Deceptive advertising is any form of advertising that is misleading and sets out to misguide or misinform consumers intentionally. The Division of Advertising Practices (Division or DAP) enforces the nation's "truth-in-advertising" laws, which require advertisers to tell the truth.