Levy Goldenberg LLP, represents consumers and corporate competitors who have been harmed due to a business' deceptive trade practices. You can file a claim for a deceptive practice or act under section 349 of the New York General Business Law.A Law Blog on Trade Secrets, Non-Competes, and Computer Fraud. Given those challenges, unfair trade practices laws seem to be the best-suited to address current online marketing practices that do not involve deception. Unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the business of insurance: . . . . The legal standards for unfairness and deception are independent of each other; depending on the facts, an act or practice may be unfair, deceptive, or both. So I called him out on it, and he said I was being unfair, and that we never made any rules about anyone being off limits. As bills are introduced during the legislative session, the bill number and short description are included in the list below. If Damian did not retire, his actions would lead to a plague that would force the President to nuke Gotham. He responded to questions to the committee.