How to Enforce Your Restraining Order. DV-700, Request to Renew Restraining Order.Request For Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (CH-100) Ask the judge for a restraining order and tell the judge why you need one. Explore Contra costa county restraining Order Forms and find the form that suits your needs. Explore Restraining contra costa county Order Forms and find the form that suits your needs. How do I file my forms? If you need help with filling out the forms, contact STAND! At 1-888-215-5555 to make an appointment for Bay Area Legal Aid's remote restraining order clinic. A residence exclusion order, also known as a "kick-out" order, requires the restrained person to move out of the place where the protected person lives. The Family Law Facilitator's Office does not provide assistance with completing the forms for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order.