What forms do I need to get the order? You must fill out all of form CH-100, Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders.To ask for a domestic violence restraining order, you will need to complete this form and other forms (see page 12 for list of forms). See Form DV-505-INFO, How Do I Ask for a Temporary. For example, to ask: -For a domestic violence restraining order, use forms DV-100, DV-109, and DV-110. -For an order for contempt, use form FL-410. Domestic Violence Protection Order; Sexual Assault Protection Order; Extreme Risk Protection Order (temporary). Fill out a Petition for Protection Order form. The court provides a variety of online services such as finding resources and information, accessing and filling out your forms, and viewing your case. You must fill out a Plaintiff's Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court (COVID19 Rental Debt) (form SC500).