If you are not sure which protection order best fits your situation, you can use the interactive questionnaire below to help you decide. Below is a list of the non-domestic protection order forms that are available, free of charge, at the Civil Law Self-Help Center.This is a list of the domestic violence protection order forms that are available for free. You must be able to use Adobe to open the forms. Step 1: Go to the Family Division of the Superior Court. Protection Order Forms: Click here for a list of the protection order forms that are available, free of charge, at the Civil Law Self-Help Center. These Forms and Instructions are basic and general and do not fit all situations. To protect your rights, you should consider consulting with an attorney. If you are an individual seeking a protection order, you must make application with a local court of competent jurisdiction. You can do an online interview that will create the forms for you based on the information you provide, or you can fill out the forms directly.