All California courts use the same basic set of forms for civil harassment restraining orders. You can find the most commonly-used forms on this page.Request a civil harassment restraining order. You will need to fill out at least five forms to ask for a restraining order. If you prefer to print a hard copy of the petition, the petition and other related forms are available for download on the Washington State Courts website. This page is about how to ask for or respond to a cohabitant, dating violence or sexual violence protective order. The forms are as follows: Form CLETS-001, Form DV-100, Form DV-109, Form DV-110. This set of forms is used to obtain, modify, or terminate a personal protection order. The forms must be filed in the family division of circuit court. Official site of Allegiant Stadium, sports and entertainment venue in Las Vegas, NV. Host to Super Bowl 58 and home of the Las Vegas Raiders.