All California courts use the same basic set of forms for civil harassment restraining orders. You can find the most commonly-used forms on this page.Request for Hearing, Dismiss Order, Cancel Hearing, or Continue Hearing. Notice of Hearing Prior to Issuance Of. Notice of Hearing. DIRECTIONS: Please read the Plaintiff's Guide Sheet before filling out this form. 1. Court forms and resources for filing for or responding to an order of protection in Arizona. The court provides a variety of online services such as finding resources and information, accessing and filling out your forms, and viewing your case. Complete the CCW Self-Surrender form which can be located below or under the "Applications and Fees" tab. Once you have entered your application materials you will not need to re-enter your information for each additional position you may apply for. AZPOINT, the Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool, has been designed to help you fill out a petition for an Order of Protection.