Register at the JPORTAL website and complete your juror questionnaire. You can sign up for text or email notifications or request an excusal or deferral.After these introductions, the judge and attorneys will question each of the potential jurors seated in the jury box. Please bring the reporting instruction portion of your summons with you filled out with your phone numbers and any address or name changes you may have. If selected to go to the court for the jury selection process then you will have to go again on the next day 9 am. When a demand for jury trial is included in a pleading, the demand must be set forth at the end of the pleading. Received a jury duty summons but need to postpone the date to 2015. Where can I change this? I just got a jury summons and it says I have to call in for a full week to see if I'm needed. Last time I was summoned, about a year ago, it was for a day.