This video explains the service of process in small claims cases and what you need to know about serving your small claims forms. Please bring the reporting instruction portion of your summons with you filled out with your phone numbers and any address or name changes you may have.This video explains the service of process in civil harassment restraining order cases and what you need to know about serving court papers. I was summoned for jury service (Sept 2023) but I live more than 1.5 hours away from the court house (Dublin), I was asked to report to. Each Superior Court judge in Alameda. County may nominate at least one person for Grand Jury service. Jurors are on call for two weeks (10 consecutive court days beginning the first day you are on call). This court is a "one appearance, or one trial" court. Juror Help JPortal for Trials Alameda County Superior Court If you are reporting in person please bring your summons postcard or any other jury. Were you summoned for federal jury duty?