To assist you in completing the sheet, examples of the cases that belong under each case type in item 1 are provided below. Call LFECR at 844-697-4448 or fill out the form below after hours.If you've been fired for no reason in California and feel it was unjust or illegal? Is Forced Resignation Considered Wrongful Termination? If you can prove that you were forced to resign, you may have a valid claim for wrongful termination. The San Francisco wrongful termination lawyer at The Armstrong Law Firm will pursue a civil award for lost wages, lost benefits, mental anguish, and more. Yes. You can sue your employer for wrongful termination if you resigned as long as you can show you were "constructively discharged. If you are a public employee facing termination, the skilled employment team at Spencer Young Law can help ensure that you receive due process. If a default judgment has been entered against you there may be ways to have it vacated or set aside. When your Bay Area business is facing a wrongful termination complaint, the legal team at Bay Oak Law can step in to help.