Local Forms, Adoption Forms, Family Law Forms, Juvenile Forms, Probate and Court Investigator's Forms, Small Claims Forms, Traffic Forms Attorney may withdraw with Clients consent or for good cause.Although Alameda moved to dismiss the Nuveen complaint, Alameda did not raise immunity as a basis for dismissal. The purpose of this Administrative Instruction is to establish and clarify procedures regarding. When your Bay Area business is facing a wrongful termination complaint, the legal team at Bay Oak Law can step in to help. The City of Alameda welcomes you to explore the following list of job descriptions for which we may recruit. Yes, you can sue your employer if the nature of your termination was illegal. There are many law enforcement agencies in the area and we are excited that you are interested in working with the Alameda Police Department. Property owner withdraws unit from the rental market under state law (Ellis Act). The Effective Date is the date on which the Court enters an order of dismissal retaining jurisdiction over this Agreement. 1.