Any person charged with a criminal offense or any party to a civil case has a right to a jury trial. If you've been selected as a juror, there are a few things you should know including types of cases, the process of a trial, and instructions to follow.If you received a summons for jury service in our court, you must complete a Juror Information Form and Supplemental Questionnaire. Jurors are selected from the Bexar County Juror pool and directed to Municipal Court. Parking Free parking is available in the Municipal Court parking lot. After you check in online and fill out your jury duty questionaire, you'll get a link to the zoom before the date. If you received a summons, the first step is to complete the qualification questionnaire. View your Jury Duty Status and Reporting Instructions online. You can also call either 1-888-587-9329 or 1-210-472-4912 for the same information. Enjoy our new and improved forms page!