Civil Filing accepts all new suits and subsequent filings for civil and some family related matters filed in the Bexar County District Courts. Wrongful Termination Discrimination.When someone is terminated from employment, they immediately wonder if they may have been "wrongfully terminated". When the jury docket for the week has been completed, the available judges assist the Presiding Judge for the rest of the week. Wrongful Termination: What Damages Can I Receive? We will say more about unlawful reasons for termination below. How Does Texas At-Will Employment Law Affect a Wrongful Termination Case? If an employer fires an employee for an unlawful reason, this is referred to as wrongful termination and can lead to a legal claim. The judge shall have the discretion to have any object removed from the courtroom. All administrative remedies were exhausted as to Gant's claims except Gant's claim for unlawful retaliation.