To dispute a ticket, you must request a hearing within 30 days after the ticket was issued to avoid paying late penalties. Fighting parking tickets in NYC is simple and easy since you can do it online at New York City On-Line Payment Services.However, you must fill out a form called "Parking and Camera Violation Request for a Hearing After Judgement. If you think you can defeat the ticket, go for it. It's the American thing to do. Court Procedure: When you contest a parking ticket in California, you can request an administrative hearing. Records Search Department Office Phone: (718) 618-3377 Location: 851 Grand Concourse, Rm. 118, Bronx, NY 10451 ALL SEARCH REQUESTS MUST BE IN WRITING. Has anyone tried going through with the dispute? You can only pay a traffic ticket online if it happened in New York City! Today, she calls and emails the NYSDMV and finds out that she can't pay online.