In Code of Civil Procedure section 631, the Legislature has enacted the sole means for selecting a court rather than a jury trial in a civil case. The right of a jury trial in California is legally inviolate; when in doubt, it is necessary to resolve the issue in favor of allowing a jury trial.In a civil case, the judge will tell you how many jurors must agree in order to reach a verdict. If you request a jury trial, you have to deposit advance jury fees with the clerk before the initial case management conference in the case. Waiver of right to appeal and post trial motions; 2. A limit of three hours to present their case; 3. The court reversed an intermediate appellate decision finding that defendants did have a right to jury trial on liability issues but not civil penalties. All persons accused of a crime or involved in a civil dispute have a constitutional right to have a jury decide their cases. In civil trials, both the plaintiff and the defendant have the constitutional right to a jury trial. You may view your case, purchase documents, access and fill out forms, check the court's calendar, and eFile your documents.