Wrongful termination cases typically require that you have actually been "fired. " If you quit, that usually makes this legal remedy unavailable to you.Yes. You can sue your employer for wrongful termination if you resigned as long as you can show you were "constructively discharged. The California Supreme Court explained that a constructive termination occurs when "the employer's conduct effectively forces an employee to resign. If you left a job due to unbearable conditions, California law may consider you dismissed under constructive dismissal. If you believe you were forced to quit your job or were constructively terminated, our Los Angeles County employment law attorney may be able to help you. Under California Employment Law, Wrongful Termination Claims can also include constructive dismissal, also known as constructive discharge. Call our firm (800) 668-7984 for a case review. Is Forced Resignation Considered Wrongful Termination? If you can prove that you were forced to resign, you may have a valid claim for wrongful termination.