The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provided below highlight topics and specific questions that are often asked of the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL). Wrongfully terminated?Speak with a wrongful termination attorney in Chicago to understand your rights and options. Similarly, the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit in state court is generally three years from the date of the wrongful termination. If you believe you've been unlawfully dismissed, consult a lawyer immediately to assess the potential for a wrongful termination lawsuit. Since Illinois is an 'at will' state, your employer can fire you without notice and you can leave employment without notice as well. This article covers some of the common legal grounds you might have for suing your employer in Illinois for wrongful termination. Some wrongful termination claims, especially those based on breach of contract or violation of public policy can be filed directly in court. If you believe you or someone you know has been wrongfully terminated, you need to contact a wrongful termination lawyer in Chicago, Illinois. Do not hesitate to discuss your matter with a wrongful termination lawyer.