Under this law, reasonable accommodations must be provided to employees with pregnancy- or childbirth-related disabilities. Women are protected from pregnancy harassment based on pregnancy, childbirth, or a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth.Employers are not allowed to fire an employee solely based on their pregnancy or refuse to hire a prospective employee based on their pregnancy. Collin College has created a document designed to help pregnant and parenting students determine their rights under Title IX and Texas state laws. Hersh Law Firm dedicates significant time helping employees who are subject to age, sex, pregnancy, and other forms of illegal discrimination. To prove this kind of discrimination, you need to demonstrate that your employer treated you differently because you are or were recently pregnant. One cannot discriminate against pregnant people without discriminating based on sex. Discrimination due to pregnancy can be a common issue for women in the workplace. Under federal law, you are protected from pregnancy discrimination in the workplace. Pregnancy discrimination is a form of sex discrimination that violates federal and state laws.