Motions to retain shall be filed with the Court at least 10 working days prior to the date specified in the notice of dismissal for want of prosecution. Counsel may not withdraw within 30 days of trial without leave of court.Plaintiff was fired for violating company policy after he made what Collins Aerospace deemed "highly offensive, homophobic comments" to a gay coworker. The Collin College Student Handbook is for information only and is not intended as a contract, expressed or implied. Residency is rarely challenged at the time a person registers to vote. Employees who have been laid off or terminated through no fault of their own may be eligible for unemployment compensation benefits. By agreeing to participate in the Diversion Program, I waive any right to voluntarily withdraw from the program. 5. Collins, 2024Ohio869. Filing a Proof of Claim Online Through ePOC Now Available! A lawyer may not file a motion to withdraw within 30 days of trial without leave of court.